Saturday 28 October 2006

CofE handwringing and causing offence

I love it when lefties say that they are in favour only of being compassionate, and in social justice (see my post about Polly Toynbee below); and I also love it when they say that "Political Correctness" is a term made up by nasty right wingers desperate to discredit what is only an attempt to be polite.

So this is politeness then? To whom?

For decades, smartly dressed veterans and servicemen and women in Wood Green, north London, have proudly packed their parish church for the traditional Remembrance Sunday service.
But this year there will be no such solemn ceremony at St Michael's - because the vicar felt it was not multicultural enough.
Father Colin Coppen decided it was unfair on non-Anglicans to make them attend a church of England service.
Instead he has decreed that soldiers who fought and died for their country will only be remembered during Parish Mass.
If the borough wants to remember its fallen than it should do so outside the church, he says.

(linked to above)

It sounds more like a combination of patronising lefty bullshit and of a genuine dislike of the traditions we have built up in this country. Fine, if you don't like it; but why use your authority to impose your views on everyone? A vicar, this man should hardly need reminding, does not own his church: it belongs to the parish, of which he is only a temporary incumbent. He is saying, in effect, "As I don't like this very much, I cannot possibly be expected to hold this service, for going against my instincts would entail being untrue to myself, and this is what is important here."

Of course, the standard response to articles like this, is to claim that the people involved were misquoted, or it was all made up, or they read something in the Guardian that proves that it wasn't true. Or that if it is true, then that is fair enough, as we have to move with the times, blah blah....

Hat Tip: comments in Biased-BBC

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