Saturday 8 December 2007

Lucid Dreaming

Disturbed night, strong winds blowing against loose lead flashing and through suburban Lleylandii. Drifting in and out of sleep. Falling down into a vortex of dull colours - "Hey, I'm dreaming, I know I'm dreaming! That means I can have sex with-". vortex disappears down a plughole, as awake as possible in the darkness.

Proof, not only of the existence of God, but specifically of a Catholic God of the old school.


James Higham said...

There's logic in there somewhere, TD. Now, all we have to do is find it.

Colin Campbell said...

Is it not your psyches unwillingness to confront your demons. Very nice paragraph. Been there many times.

James Higham said...

Et tu, Jocko.

Wolfie said...

Have you been eating cheese?

Bill Haydon said...

Colin: yes. See latest post!

Wolfie: Of course. I use it as a psychoactive drug!