Sunday 4 March 2007

How Disappointing

According to this site, I'm not banned in China. I'll have to step up my defences of democracy and liberty, and start making a few attacks on communism for being a crock of old murderous shit. Unfortunately, when Britain claims to be a leading free society, the argument tends to fall apart.

Hat-tip: Matt


Shades said...

I'm not banned either and nor is any of the other sites I'm involved with, apart from one- that hotbed of radical building preservation- the Mercia Cinema Society. (

James Higham said...

Interesting why Notsaussure was banned though.

Bill Haydon said...

Presumably Mercia Cinema Society is a front for a bourgeois reactionary fascist organisation dedicated to screwing the working man. or something.

James - haven't heard that one. Why was NS banned then?

Matt M said...

Well, bang goes my theory that it was the Doctor Who reviews that did it for me. I guess they just didn't like my face.

CityUnslicker said...

I am not banned either; I should bloody hope not too given how keen I am on yellow fever.

Crushed said...

Being banned by Tony would be even better- time to rack the pace up.
If we're talking about bougeouis reactionary fascost organisations dedicated to screwing the working man- is the Labour party banned?

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Surprised I'm not banned

Bill Haydon said...

CU - yellow fever? Eh?

I rather think, CBI, that in the name of equality and human rights there'll be an Act along soon enough making the Labour Party the sole political party. The reason could go something like this. Equality is the supreme ethical value. Only the Labour Party is committed fully to equality. Other parties are therefore, by definition, evil and should be banned. After all, there is no place for discrimination/you can't opt out of equality blah blah.

Crushed said...

Well theoretically the most democratic constitution on paper the world ever saw was....
The Soviet constitution of 1936. The year of the Great purges.
The tiny giveaway was the clause saying that there was no need for any other political parties, aside from one. No prizes for guessing which one that was.
Personally, I'd quite like to ban all political parties. I find them all quite sinister and incompatible with a true democratic ideal.

Ellee Seymour said...

I seem to be banned too, have no idea why.