Friday, 30 March 2007

Being Positive

If you are: great.

If you're not: don't fall for all that bullshit. You call it like it is: in otherwords, a massive two fingers to all the fuckers.

We have written the doctrine of being positive into our very curriculum, prescribing a set of reactions for an infinite combination of thoughts & feelings.

So if it seems like a pile of old horse manure to look on the positive and to believe that it all turns out for the best -

tell 'em all to fuck off!

(I'd love to draw a massive graphic of two fingers but I don't know how)


Crushed said...

Being positive can't be bad, mate!!

This ain't a dress rehearsal, so get the max out of it.
No one gets Brownie points for watching laconically as others party.
Life policy; Get Maximum pleasure, Deliver Miniumum pain.

Two fingers of Victory...

_ said...

I haven't a clue what you're saying here, but I'm guessing you had a couple of brews before you posted.

In any case I agree whole-heartedly.


Fuck 'em all. Especially the optimists.

Bill Haydon said...

Spot on, Onyx. I really have to stop doing that but as noone wants to listen to me when I'm slightly tipsy, I've no alternative but to inflict it on the blogosphere.

Crushed said...

Ah, so not a glass half full guy.
Not a glass half empty guy.
Just a glass empty guy.

Bill Haydon said...

Yes, the glass was empty by time I'd posted that. The bottle was still half full though.

James Higham said...

You're in very interesting form right now, TD.

Shades said...

I enjoy these posts. I'm not certain why though...

Crushed said...

I find when you're slightly tipsy (as opposed to plain hammered) everyone seems to think you're a genius. Possible this is partly conditional on them also being slightly tipsy/ plain hammered.
When you're plain hammered the blooggosphere can seem tempting, in fact I was overcome by that very temptation last week. Not sure if anyone noticed...

Colin Campbell said...

Yes these posts have a very interesting human character to them. A cry for help or a loud scream of frustration in a controlled safe environment. We won't judge you. Just enjoy the way it comes out. You say it so much better than most of us mere mortals.