Tuesday 21 November 2006

The Power of Polly

Further to the mention of Polly by Tim Worstall today, I found this concise and true comment on The Joy of Curmudgeonry, in response to Deogolwulf's post about the state. akaky writes:

One of the reasons that Ms Toynbee and others of her statist disposition do not fear the power of the state is because they intend to be on the commanding heights of that state, looking down on the poor helots they get to lord it over. If you intend to be a master, then, by definition, you are for increasing the power of masters, even if you tell yourself that what you are doing is for the helots' own good.


James Higham said...

Truth is, as I posted today, [Guido also], it sucks you in and the state is then needed to feed your habit. It's an expensive narcotic.

Akaky said...

And thank you for the mention.