Tuesday 19 September 2006

Catholic Londoner

I am such a hypocrite. Well actually this post is not about the Pope as member of the evil trinity (Bush, Blair, Pope) - my god, I am actually tempted to believe that this trinity really exists as a demonic conspiracy - but about a chap called catholiclondoner.blogspot.com or rather a chap who blogs by the name of catholiclondoner. He has some extremely funny photos of the Westminster Cathedral protest and he causes me to take back one of my earlier posts. In no way should any prosecutions result from this protest. It has furnished us with theological truth and comedy of the highest degree.

And it is clearly a deliberate attempt to incite.

So the right response? According to Mr CL? Pray the Rosary for them. Sounds good to me, as a practising Catholic*.

*with due deference to atheist readers, I mean in no way to demonise or criticise them ("Dawkins is St Paul's slave!!!!!"). Also I am a practising Catholic largely because I am not very good at it.

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